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How about working at a place that does not feel like work at all? How about really wanting to get started every single day just because you love what you’re achieving and you love who you’re with? How about changing the lives of millions of people and truly having an impact? That’s Vaia.
Vaia empowers world-class talent to unfold their potential and use their expertise to change the life of millions.
We hire for personality, commitment, and expertise and embrace diversity.
How about creating the most intelligent and user-friendly learning platform worldwide?
Every action you make at Vaia will have a direct impact on millions of learners.
At Vaia, people are at the heart of everything. That’s why we are committed to providing everything you need to excel in your job, ensuring physical and mental health as well as development.
Work from home or wherever you want.
Regular social events.
You participate in the success of Vaia.
Select your own equipment. Everything you need.
We pay for your training & courses.
New office with high-quality equipment.
Fresh fruits, juices, porridge bar, drinks - flatrate.
Join us on our journey. Together we can change the world! Our team is diverse, ambitious and innovative. We work remotely, in Munich, and across Germany.
We embrace diversity. In the Vaia team, you’ll find all kinds of people. Get to know some of them here.
Entdecke die People StoriesFind out about Vaia in advance and feel free to check out our app.
Shoot us all of your questions - pre or post-interview process.
Present us your most relevant experiences and provide a coherent resume.
What are your professional and personal goals? How would you develop Vaia?
We want to get to know you as a person, be who you are, and dress how you like.
It’s just a conversation. So stay relaxed and show us what excites you about what you do.